Treasure Aaron
May 2024
President Dr. Irfan Ali the President of The Republic of Guyana was recently made a promised visit to those Guyanese residents of New York City living in the diaspora and he was met with mixed reviews. In a previous visit to Queens New York. Business owners and entrepreneurs invited him to visit outside of Indo-Guyanese commuity of Queens to visit the more diverse Afro- Guyanese community in Brooklyn. Where 14% of the hospital staff of the largest city hospital in the United States Kings County Hospital a part of the NYC health and Hospitals organization is of Guyanese heritage.
During his visit he also visited the local Guyanese owned radio station Caribbean Power Jam Radio, The Hills and The Fish Shop Restaurants amongst others. After his visit the President of Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) voiced his backlash and objection to the restaurant owners and others for welcoming the current President. He objected that those persons who welcomed him should hold him and his party accountable for past injunctions held against Afro Guyanese people. He called for a boycott for persons to stop patronizing and visiting the restaurant The Hills, Pam's Bakery and The Fish Shop. All locations where Dr. Ali visited and was welcomed. Since then, the restaurants have continued to provide the fresh food and have not had any change in their patronage.
These locations have continued to provide food to the community.
Dr. Ali returned to Guyana and learned of the call for a boycott and aired a firm response condemning anyone who attempted to deter persons from visiting these locations and rebuked any hostility to the owners or patrons. He promised to return to each location and join them for dinner and camaraderie on his next visit. Dr. Ali especially was excited to see his local foods on display such as fudge and Bango Mary fried fish and encouraged the owners to continue to share the food of their homeland to the Brooklyn community.